​​​​​​​​For High and Middle Schools 
Char's Choice
25-45 mins.

It’s all about choices-and it’s Charlene Rose’s choice to go to schools to share a delicate combination of knowledge and information on crucial topics affecting teens and their families. She draws from her vast experience as a youth leader as she shares from her own personal challenges and triumphs. These include broken homes, teen pregnancy, bullying, suicide and drug and alcohol addictions - all to help others make better choices. Steve chimes in briefly tackling alcohol abuse and guiding students to make choices to help reach their personal potential and fulfill their purpose. It’s not all serious as the Rose’s provide laughs and smiles. 
The Char’s Choice team knows that as your AODA budgets are shrinking the addiction- related challenges in your community are increasing! That’s why we want to bring an urgent message to you that tackles the issues and there is no one better for that job than Char Rose along with her husband Steve. Click here for their Bios. 

Click here to book a presentation or call 920.427.7775 to learn more and set up a brief phone conference to learn how to bring presentation to your area!​​


For For High and Middle Schools
Only 16: Tragedy of 2 Billys 
25-45 mins.

This heart-wrenching and dramatic documentary details the sudden, unexpected and tragic deaths of Billy Farr and Billy Strassburg, two vibrant, popular and athletic 16-year-old teens, who with their whole lives ahead of them, lost their lives suddenly in separate high-speed alcohol-related high-speed car crashes. The timing of the TV and school release is to reach teens and their parents during the Homecoming season to share the risks and perils of underage drinking; the fragility of life and coping and healing through deep grief and loss. Charlene Rose, Billy Farr's sister, plays a significant role in the film and shares in great detail with students how her tragedy through the loss of her brother turned her life upside down. Billy Farr, a fun-loving and kind teen, died March 30, 1975, just minutes after the breaking of Easter morning, after getting into a car with an adult who was intoxicated. Billy Strassburg, who served as Prom King just weeks prior, was alone after a night of partying and drinking when he missed a curve in the early-morning hours of June 16, 1976. 
Charlene Rose, Billy Farr's sister, leads a discussion on the issues with the students, but her husband Steve and friend and teammate of Billy Strassburg's will chime in. We are booking a limited amount of first-come-first-served school assembly and/or classroom presentations that are 25-to-45 minutes in length. They include a showing of the 21 minute version of Only 16: Tragedy of 2 Billys. Click here to watch the trailer. Be sure to inquire about multiple school same-day discounts.
The message of this presentation is ideal for Homecoming, Holiday, Spring Break and Prom seasons.
Click here to request a presentation or call 920.427.7775 to learn more and set up a brief phone conference to learn how to bring this presentation to your area!​